200 million monthly views fully managed by Spin&Go.Net
In 2004 Engitel won the software selection organized by Telecom Italia for the identification of a single CMS. Spin & Go.Net was thus preferred to all systems already present in the company for the guarantees of flexibility, scalability and efficiency. Engitel has therefore customized the platform, also using it as a hub for the integration and export of content flows from and to the outside.
Among the advantages of Spin & Go.Net, we mention: being a single platform for the entire publishing area (instead of the previous 18); cost reduction; sharing of content between different channels; integration with external platforms; the ability to freeze some parts of the page in order to improve the performance.
Born in 1996 as a search engine and web directory, Virgilio has evolved over the years to become a portal used for accessing information content organized into channels. Virgilio offers various services as well, such as the creation and management of mailboxes, as it is part of the 100 most consulted domains in Italy.