Telling yourself through video

Italo is a reality in which the team's energy and enthusiasm have become a communication asset of strategic importance to its success.

Italy's first private operator on high-speed rail network adopts a welfare policy that can spur its people to grow and express themselves to the fullest in their preferred context and role during each professional and personal stage of life, making human resources its true treasure.

Italo thus decided to turn to Engitel to design a communication strategy aimed at being interesting and attractive in the eyes of potential candidates, employees and, cascading, the customers themselves (Employer Branding). Engitel, in addition to taking care of the reorganization of the Working in Italo section, focusing on the key concepts of training and diversity and inclusion, conceived and created a column of short video interviews called "On the track of emotions", in which the employees themselves tell what it means to work in Italo and what the most important challenges are.

Engitel can create concepts, storyboards, filming with director and crew, post-production and optimization of videos for the web.

Every company has a story to tell, and videos are a particularly effective weapon because they generate engagement and are more appreciated and enjoyed than long pages of text. Engitel has also decided to present the most important projects it has been involved in and its expertise in the 3D world through videos.

In just over 1 minute we communicate almost 30 years of digital projects: