A digital platform to make it easier to buy and sell cars at a distance
OsCAR is a part of Escargo, Italy's leading value-added logistics provider to car rental companies, handling more than 800 thousand vehicles a year
Thanks to the digital platform developed for the company, a buyer who wants to purchase a car remotely receives, through an automated quote maker, an appraisal that he or she can accept and pay for through an integrated payment system. At that point the vehicle, after any repairs or mechanical work, is turned around and transported to the buyer.
Leaning on the car buying platform on Subito.it, thanks to OsCAR the buyer can rely on a third entity that acts as a guarantor on the correspondence between the valuation and the actual condition of the car and on the truthfulness of the information provided by the seller
With more than 160 authorized centers throughout Italy, and extensive expertise in the delivery and recovery of rental cars, Escargo enables OsCAR's private customers highly qualified services.